Posts with tag: "Family session"
Thursday, September 21, 2017
By Jaclyn Paige Photography
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I was born and raised in Maine.  As a child, I loved winter and all the fun that came with it: ice skating, building snow forts and snow men, sledding, having snowball fights, making snow angels... you get the idea.  When I got older and started having to scrape ice off my windshield in the morning, or shovel the walkway, or pay the heating bill, I began to dread winter.  In fact, I would refer to Autumn as The Season of Impending Doom, and couldn't enjoy it because I was so NOT looking forward to winter.  Now that I have lived in Tennessee for nine years, where winters are mild and summers are so, so long (side note, now I call Spring The Season of Impending Doom. I'm never satisfied, apparently), I have come to get excited about Fall: cooler days, crunchy leaves, beautiful foliage, and-- yes please-- Pumpkin Spice everything.  This is also the most popular season for family portraits, which brings me to my reason for this post.  If you're planning to book a Fall session, don't wait!  Here are some family sessions from seasons past to inspire you! 

Contact me through my website HERE, and let's get your session scheduled!